Wednesday 27 October 2010

Show me the Funny

This is the prompt for this week's Gallery at Sticky Fingers.

I don't seem to have many truly funny photos, certainly not digitally, that you've not already seen. I scoured my archives for a while, looking back through the children's lives so far. And then, I found this one of Monkey, aged around 15 months old.

I'm not sure if he was trying to help or whether he thought it was a toy. He wasn't even cruising them but he was pulling himself up. And looking at that pic, he looked too big to climb in, which is probably a good thing. And if to prove that he had an obsession with household appliances, I also give you this:

Here he is, a year later, trying to "help" empty the dishwasher. 

Shame he's not as enthused by household appliances now. He could have made someone a lovely wife. 

(And yes, I do know this is a week early. I just have plans for next week!)
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